You’re in good company

We’ve been in business since 1999, with specialists across every sector. Our specialists understand differing industry dynamics and demands.
Jacksonstone clients
We have 10+ year relationships with several major corporates & multinationals, across some of the biggest job sectors.
Client experience: Emily Sharp, Grenke
Emily Sharp, HR Director at Grenke medical devices company, offers her perspective on how Jacksonstone helped create and deliver a “land and expand” hiring strategy
"Since 2011, Jacksonstone has been a key partner in our ramp up of staff... managing and payrolling up to 60 members at any given time."
Derek McLaughlin, SIG
"Lorraine at Jacksonstone has supported us time and time again. She sources quality candidates that suit our specific business environment. Her prompt and efficient service never falters, which helps ease the pressure that comes with the recruitment process."
Edel Guckian, Nordstrom
Services Snapshot
We offer a clear set of services, proven to deliver, all based on our Next Level People hiring methodology.